Technology is changing rapidly, and so are consumers, radically altering how companies do business. The HgP Industry Center delivers insights that help leaders several sectors better understand their operating environment and where it’s heading.

  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Advance Electronics
  • Technology & Telecommunications
  • Oil & Gas
  • Chemical & Manufacturing
  • Global Government

Aerospace & Defense

End User: – Royal Saudi Airforce

jet fighter

Provide System Support, Moderation and Data Center Migration to the New Location. 5-year Operations and Maintenance program with system upgrade, network installation etc.

Oil & Gas

oil deposit

Technology is changing rapidly, and so are consumers, radically altering how companies do business. The HgP Industry Center delivers insights that help leaders several sectors better understand their operating environment and where it’s heading.

Bring innovation, coalition interoperability and digital transformation to your front line, with HgP Design Thinking.

HgP is changing the way businesses operate successfully, especially in the age of COVID. HgP has not only allowed companies to continue operating when hit with unexpected circumstances as with the pandemic, but also to reach new heights of production and efficiency.

Cognitive AI for advanced readiness

Global Government

End Users:

  • US Department of State
  • US Department Energy

HgP is driving Digital transformation Digital government building new computing infrastructure leveraging the pillars of mobile, cloud, Big Data, and analytics – accelerated by the Internet of Things (IoT), advances in machine learning, and innovations like block chain for governmental agencies.

At the heart of successful digital transformation is innovative digitalization. Our deep experience in developing proprietary products and customizing open source software to improve operations helps governmental agencies better organize, activate, and mobilize their data and resources to deliver greater value to their end users.

Aerospace & Defense

End Users:

  • US Airforce
  • Royal Saudi Airforce

HgP Modernized the client’s systems, improved decision making and achieved greater mission readiness with our Defense and Intelligence platforms…

We Optimize operations and enhance the effectiveness of your missions by using secure intelligence technology and compliant tools. HgP will enable your defense and intelligence access ensure that your forces can securely meet the needs of their servicemembers to work in a more flexible and intelligent environment

HgP uses insight analysis to uncover hidden connections in disparate data from multiple sources and gain actionable intelligence quickly.
  • jet
  • jet

Advance Electronics

End Users:

  • Bright line Railway
  • Google Inc,
  • Doha International Airport

HgP is making mass-customization possible for many different industries by leveraging the power of machine learning-enabled hyperpersonalization to tailor their offerings and build solutions …

google building
The applications of AI-enabled solutions give these companies the flexibility to meet up with demands, prevent downtime losses and control cost. HgP Machine Learning, for instance, gives this power to this companies. With this in hand, our clients have the means to communicate better with their machines and how well they can handle real-time issues when they occur.
  • train
  • modern building

Advance Electronics

End Users:

  • Orlando International Airport
  • Dallas International Airport

HgP is transforming Airport Security and is delivering supervisor solutions to reduce risk and accelerate operations. We provide the tools to implement relevant aspects of airport security programs and to reduce risk..

modern building
The HgP Security measures begin long before you arrive at the airport. HgP works closely with the intelligence and law enforcement communities to share information. Additional security measures are in place from the time you get to the airport until you get to your destination.
modern building

End Users:

  • Doha International Airport
  • National LNG Refinery, Equatorial Guinea

Provided client with advance systems, improved information processing reducing wait times and screen process with our advance intelligent platforms…

We Optimize operations and enhance the effectiveness of client’s missions by using AL platforms

modern building

Advanced Data Processing

modern building

Technology & Telecommunications

End Users:

  • Liberian Telecommunication Project
  • Port of Kribi Cameroon

HgP Modernized the client’s systems, and achieved greater mission readiness with our port security platforms…

Port safety & security solution: a “virtual fence” over the water and on the land near the port. Surveillance systems that work 24/7 with continuous zoom-in capabilities.

power post

Cognitive Surveillance & AI for Advanced Readiness

HgP Port operations uses Control Center solutions to correlate data from multiple security technologies to improve detection and quicker apprehension times of suspicious goods and individuals and collaborate with partner organizations by securely sharing subsets of data using our customizable interface.

construction site